Seeing In Color Again

One Firefighter's Powerful Story of overcoming the addiction of meth, the pain of PTS, and the new life he discovered in healing.
Meth, Click, DoomAbout Scott

“I See in Color Again…and You Can TOO!”

To book Scott for a speaking engagement or if you have questions, please contact him via email at

My name is Scott Geiselhart. I’m a 20-year veteran of the Frazee (MN) Fire Department, a father, and a former auto repair shop owner. And I am a PTSD, meth, and suicide attempt survivor.

In July 2014, I had enough! I couldn’t go on. I was so confused, not knowing what was going on in my life − why was I like this?

I had to stop myself from hurting my family. I felt I needed to eliminate myself; they would be better off with me not hurting them. I went to my shop and found my favorite, most reliable revolver, put it to my head, and pulled the trigger.

You’ll need to read my whole story to see how that turned out, but obviously, I’m still here to share my story – because I made the call to make things better.

Now, I am happy to be able to share the parallel but intersecting experiences and help others by speaking out and informing emergency responders about PTSD, mental health, and suicide awareness and prevention.

Now, I see in color again.

I want other emergency responders to know if they are struggling, they are not alone, and there is help available.

Reach out. Speak out.

Scott Geiselhart

Please download and share the flyers so others may hear my story:

CLICK TO DOWNLOAD – Meth-Click-Doom171030

CLICK TO DOWNLOAD – I see in color again171030

CLICK TO DOWNLOAD – Seeing in Color2-171030

Ready to Meet Scott and Sarge?

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